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When I was five years old, I wrote in my diary that kissing was gross. I guess practicing my pucker on the living room window wasn’t my forte.

So with that said…


Hello, and welcome to my world.

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Donna Morrissey

“Connie’s writing is based on her love of Newfoundland and Labrador. Her style is powerful and expressive. She has a talent for creating engaging plots and lasting characters. Her stories take readers on a wonderful journey.”

Best Selling Author Donna Morrissey

Lisa Moore

“Connie is a master storyteller. This means her writing is full of plot twists that, simultaneously and in equal measure, surprise and satisfy. She writes events and scenes that upend reader expectation while also, ultimately, arriving at resolutions that prove inevitable. In other words, every surprise is foreshadowed and earned.”

Award winning Author Lisa Moore

Matthew LeDrew

“Connie’s works requires being printed out and snuggling up on the couch with a warm cup of tea. Thank you for letting me be a small part of your writing journey. I’m sure with work and a little luck you’ll be one of the top authors in Atlantic Canada within the next five years.”

Matthew LeDrew, Author and Writing Coach

My Story

I love to write. To sit at my desk, or lay on my bed, and let my imagination conjure characters that I have never met. I don’t have a particular genre. As a creative author I am just getting started. I write what comes to me. One day soon, I plan to finish the novel that has been in my heart for many years. In the meantime, there are short stories to put together, flash fiction to play around with, and contests to enter. We really are limited only by our imagination.


I love Iphone photography. Taking photos helps me see things in a different, often a new, light. It opens my world. Feeds my creativity.


I was born, raised, and live in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. I started my career as a journalist, then moved to communications. I became a teacher at 53 and spend part of the year as an Adult Basic Education instructor in Nain, Nunatsiavut.


I won an Arts and Letters Award for Non-fiction in 2023. My work is published in Prairie Fire magazine, Horseshoe Literary Magazine, The Muse, Edible Newfoundland and Labrador, and Word magazine. You can find me in the Close Calls with Nature anthology. In newspapers. And online.


You can find me here.



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